Thursday, May 10, 2012

Natural Acne Treatments - Will They Work for You?

A lot of the time, treating acne is just a matter of putting several different methods to work and then being patient. No matter what else you're doing for your skin, you need to make sure that you wash your face with a gentle soap a couple of times a day. Avoid using soaps that are filled with harsh chemicals or artificial ingredients and you just never know what might irritate your skin. But you might want to try the cleansers that have benzoyl peroxide in them because this is really helpful for clearing up acne. Treat your skin gently, and don't attempt to rub away the pimples. Even though there are lots of things that can help you clear away your acne, most cures do not work immediately so you might just have to live with your pimples for a little bit. Trying to keep your skin clean and being gentle with it will help you ward off the bacteria that causes acne.

There are a few essential oils that you can use to treat acne. Even though most people believe that essential oils are just for aromatherapy and making rooms smell pretty, a lot of the essential oils have healing properties that can be really great for the skin. There are some oils that contain anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that are actually useful for this. Some of these are patchouli, clary sage, sandalwood and lavender. You might want to do some more research on essential oils and experiment with a few of them; you could discover that some of them are really good for your skin type. It's best to work with ones whose aroma you find pleasing, as this can also help to relax you. Try to find essential oils that are pure and natural because some of the cheaper ones you can buy have synthetic chemicals in them.

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