Sunday, May 6, 2012

Natural Acne Treatments That Can Cure Facial Acne

Tea Tree Oil (melaleuca alternifolia), which is of Australian origin, is very effective in treating conditions like acne. Tea Tree Oil is a very strong antimicrobial, and a lot of people report success when using it to treat their acne. It fights all three classes of infections - bacteria, viral, and fungal. After washing your face, you can apply the tea tree oil to the affected areas. You may prefer to mix the Tea Tree Oil with water before you use it as some people have reported that it tended to irritate their skin. If this treatment seems to be working for you, and it isn't irritating your skin, you should commit to carrying out the treatment for a full six weeks. Using the Tea Tree Oil cleans up any bacteria on your skin that causes acne and keeps your skin clean and healthy. One factor that causes acne to worsen is the unconscious actions that people take. Makeup is a big contributor to acne, as well as your choice in products to take care of your skin. Try switching from oil based makeup to water based, as this is gentler on your skin and oil can cause acne to spread. Giving up wearing makeup altogether is a smart idea if you are suffering from acne. If you must wear makeup, only wear the bare minimum necessary. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to pick at your acne pimples, and you should also make an effort to stop touching your face with your hands. All you will succeed in doing is to aggravate the infected area more. This, then, is the first step you should take to eliminate your acne. Don't do anything to make matters worse.

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