Saturday, May 12, 2012

Natural Acne Treatments That Offer Results

Eating diets that are high in fiber might help you get rid of your acne. You could also help yourself quite a lot by avoiding junk food, foods that are fried and dairy products. Some individuals have big sensitivities to foods like dairy products and when you fall into this category it could cause lots of problems for yourself like acne and other skin conditions. Foods that have a high fiber content like vegetables, fruits and whole grains are really good for cleaning out your entire system and that can be really good for your skin. Psyllium husks supplements are good for raising the fiber content in your diet. This can be found in powder or capsule form, and is not very expensive.

Sometimes women who are going through menopause will start getting acne, and the Chinese herb called dong quai is very good in these cases. This specific Chinese herb has aided women for thousands of years.

This herb could be just what you are looking for, with vital vitamins, minerals and important nutrients that can balance your hormones; these hormones which can cause acne outbreaks. An additional herb that is also useful in the prevention of acne, and is also found in Chinese medicine is the licorice root. Licorice root can cause some side effects, but it also delivers some valuable aspects to your life; just remember not to take more than the recommended dosage.

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