Thursday, May 3, 2012

Facts About the Benefits of Natural Treatments for Acne

There are facial masks that you can mix up in your home that can be helpful in getting rid of acne. Your pantry holds a lot of the ingredients you will need to make these basic remedies. One simple compound for exfoliating your skin is baking soda; just place it on a damp wash cloth. Rub the moist cloth with the soda on your face, then rinse and dry with a bath towel.

Another effective facial mask is made with oatmeal, the same type you eat for breakfast. You cook it up as if you were going to eat it, only you allow it to cool and then place it on your skin for about twenty minutes. Rinse and dry afterwards. You need to apply this facial once a day for at least a couple of weeks in order to get optimal results.

Don't assume that visiting a suntan booth, or spending more time in the sun, will help cure your acne. This may seem like a good solution, but it's actually not. The sun can do many great things for your body, but curing your acne isn't one of them, and it's sad that so many people think that the sun's drying power is the solution to their acne. The truth is that too much sun just irritates the skin. This will set your skin up to produce more acne later. You can't sidestep this problem by going to a tanning salon. The lamps they use will result in the same condition. A certain amount of sunshine is beneficial to your health, of course, so don't avoid it altogether. Just limit your forays into the sunshine to reasonable amounts of time. Don't forget the sunscreen when you do venture out into the sunshine. This will keep your acne from becoming infected further.

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