Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Treating Blackheads and Whiteheads

Healthy pores that function normally will produce normal amounts of sebum (oil) that is easily and evenly distributed to the surface of the skin. When there is too much oil, pores get blocked and blackheads and whiteheads are formed.

Blackeads - usually found in people with oily skin - form when the oil in the clogged pore is exposed to the air, causing the sebum (oil) to turn black (a process called oxidation).

Whiteheads - usually found in people with dry skin – are formed when the blocked oil remains below the surface of the skin whereit is not exposed to the air, forming a white bump (whitehead) under the skin.

Blackheads and whiteheads can be difficult to deal with – they make the skin look dull and mottled and can eventually lead to more serious forms of acne if the clogged pore gets infected.

Of course, the first instinct nearly everyone has when they see any kind of blemish, is to squeeze it. Once squeezed and the fat plug is forced out, inflammation occurs and possible infection from the acne bacteria (Propionibacterium acne).

There are things you can do to help control blackheads and whiteheads before they lead to more severe cases of acne. The first line of defense, however, is prevention through daily hygiene; treatments based on the appropriate removal of the dead cell build up that is responsible for the clogged pores; and professional extraction.

Ways to Treat Blackheads and Whiteheads

The first step in treating blackheads or whiteheads to to avoid picking at the skin. This alone can do more damage to the pore and cause a more severe problem. A consistent regimen for cleaning the skin is also critical. Without consistent hygiene practices, it will be difficult to maintain a clear skin. Other remedies include over-the-counter products, and in severe cases, prescription creams and medicines obtained from a licensed Dermatologist or Medical Doctor.

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