Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Overcoming the Dreaded A Word: Acne

Nothing can be worse for people, from adolescence all the way through later adulthood, than the dreaded "A" word: ACNE.

Luckily, most of my family has had clear skin. Notice how I said MOST of my family? Well I'm not one of the lucky ones, sadly, and I know firsthand the miserable plight of those who are called, among other things, "Pizzaface," "Poindexter," "zitface," and other words I shouldn't put in print.

I've tried just about every product on the market, including all sorts of old wives' tales and home remedies.

It should be noted that it is NEVER a good idea to put weird things from the pantry on your face. No matter how many times Aunt Margie tells you it helped little Herman back in 1962 when he had to get rid of the pimple for 9th grade picture day, just don't believe it. Trust me, I now know from EXPERIENCE that items that are used for cooking should be used for cooking, not acne control. How ignorant I was!

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