Monday, April 2, 2012

The Role of Stress in Acne

We all know well that stress is bad for the health, but do you know that stress is related to acne? Well, studies have shown that acne flare-ups increase during stressful periods. Stress may be due to overwhelming workload, anxiety about an upcoming event like wedding, or any situation that can make you tense. Stress affects your overall health, including the largest organ in your body, i.e. the skin. Here is an insight into the role of stress in acne and how you can overcome it and stay acne free.

Stress worsens acne in two main ways - firstly, it stimulates your adrenal glands to secrete extra hormones, and secondly, it slows down your healing process. The adrenal glands secrete more cortisol, which in turn triggers your sebaceous glands to secrete more oil. As the oil mixes with dead skin cells, it clogs your skin pores and traps bacteria inside, and you end up with inflamed papules. Therefore, the ultimate fact is that stress instigates hormonal imbalance, which is the primary cause of your acne problem. This answers why pimples sometimes pop up overnight when you are weighed down. Chronic stress will release stress hormones continuously, which means that your immune system keeps fighting and just can't shut down. This pressure on the immune system causes inflammation that is in no way helpful to deal with stress. Over and above the inflammation, stress decreases the wound healing capability of your immune system. So, you can very well imagine the impact of stress on your acne.

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