Thursday, April 5, 2012

Can Pimples Be Treated Naturally By Acne Herbal Remedy?

Acne is a chronic skin condition characterized by inflammation of the skin and break out of numerous pus-filled lesions. The acne affected skin becomes spotted, bumpy, cystic and pimply. Face, chest, neck and shoulders are the common sites where acne appears. When oil glands produce excess sebum and the sebum as well as hair follicles become plugged and infected, acne and pimples pop up. Acne causing bacteria feeds on sebum produced by the sebaceous or oil glands and keeps multiplying within hair follicles. Multiplication of bacteria draws white blood cells in to the follicles. The white blood cells produce an enzyme that ruptures the wall of the follicles and enters the dermis. The process generates an inflammatory response in the skin in the form of acne. In the acne affected skin, certain fatty acids are produced. These acids irritate the skin further and worsen the conditions.

Acne and pimples may be triggered by factors given below:

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