Friday, October 7, 2011

How To Treat Acne, Pimple And Other Skin Problems

Pimples and acne bother everyone, especially around the teenage years. As the body faces hormonal changes during puberty, both boys and girls start to develop pimples on their face. For females, the problem might persist longer, and pimples may re-occur every time they are nearing menstruation.

There are other factors too that contribute to the growth and development of pimples on one's face. These include faulty diets, bad lifestyle habits, stress, overuse of medicines, some kind of illness etc.

Skin experts and dermatologists suggest that one must take proper care of acne and pimples right from the start, so that the problem does not develop further to give bad consequences. Pimples, if left untreated, can cause severe damage to one's skin, and can also leave permanent marks and scars on the face.

One of the first things to follow for treating acne and pimples is to take good care of one's skin. It is extremely important to keep one's skin clean and healthy at all times, by washing the face with water at least 4-5 times a day. It is not necessary to use soap all the time. In fact, excessive use of soaps and cleansers or face washes can make the skin dry and patchy.

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