Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How To Cure Acne Vulgaris, Pimples Naturally?

Acne or acne vulgaris is a skin problem that arises when the skin pores get clogged by debris, excess sebum, dirt and bacteria. This may lead to the building up of inflammatory cells, giving rise to pimples, a form of acne. Whiteheads and blackheads are the other forms of acne. Acne makes the skin look ugly and is thus an embarrassing problem. Acne is very common among teenagers. In the teenage, oil glands are hyperactive. They produce excess oil which acts as a magnet for dirt and germs. This leads to the breaking out of acne.

Acne usually begins as whitehead, then takes the shape of blackheads and finally becomes a pimple. Pimples are pus filled mounds on the skin. The area around the mound is usually red and when they heal, they leave scars. Acne can break out on face, shoulders, trunk, arms, legs or buttocks. Acne is triggered by factors like hormonal changes, stress, consumption of oily food, intake of contraceptive pills, nutritional deficiencies, use of greasy cosmetics, excessive sweating, intake of steroidal drugs, hormonal pills etc.

Ways to cure acne, pimples:

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