Thursday, October 6, 2011

Best Homemade Remedies For Acne And Acne Scars

Acne scars are the marks that often remain even after acne has been cured. Strong acne causes cysts underneath the skin and those cysts often lead to scarring. Acne typically erupts when skin pores become clogged and prevents natural skin oils to be released to the surface. This causes bacteria to multiply and leads to itchy skin and skin infections. Now, when you start scratching your skin, tissue will be damaged and this ultimately causes acne scars.

In some cases, your diet can affect how severe your acne is. However, the idea that chocolate and salty snacks cause acne is a myth. Instead, foods that have high glycemic levels are often the culprit. These include breads made from refined flour, milk, potatoes, watermelon, and processed foods and snacks. If you have acne problems, this doesn't mean you should stop eating these foods altogether, but it might be a good idea to switch to alternatives if you eat high amounts of these foods. Some healthier choices include 100% wheat bread or skim milk.

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