Monday, March 5, 2012

Best Way to Prevent Acne

Try applying aloe vera to your acne. Aloe vera has quite a few wonderful healing properties. Try applying it to problem areas. It should remove some of the oil in your skin and heal irritation and scarring. You can buy aloe vera at most stores. Alternatively, you can even grow your own.

To help prevent your face form breaking out, you should moisturize it. When you wash your face, it dries up under the effect of the soap. A dry skin will produce more oil to compensate and thus it is more likely to eventually break out. Use a gentle, natural moisturizing cream or lotion every time you wash your face.

If an acne sufferer must shave afflicted areas, he or she should do so lightly. Shaving irritates the skin and can slice open pimples. Both of these effects can exacerbate an acne problem by spreading infectious bacteria and making nearby skin more susceptible. The lightest possible touch should be used when shaving acne trouble spots.

The best way to prevent acne is to keep your hands off the face. Most people touch their face many times a day, and hands are full of bacteria that gets into pores on the face. Avoid touching the face with hands to keep dirt, oil and bacteria from inflaming facial pores.

By touching your face with your hands, you are introducing bacteria and oils to your skin.  To avoid breakouts that are caused by this, try to refrain from touching your face.  Even swiping your bangs out of the way over and over again, will result in your hands grazing across your forehead.

An effective way to cure acne is by taking the supplement Zinc. You should take the appropriate amount daily for best results. It helps to clear up your skin and keep you looking your best.  The best dosage is 25 or 50 milligrams, taken three times throughout the day.  

Regular exercise can be helpful when you're dealing with re-occurring acne problems.  Exercise is a great way to release toxins, cleanse the pores (through sweating), and it also helps to relieve stress (which some believe contributes to acne).  Stick to natural cotton exercise gear however, as synthetics can trap sweat and bacteria.  

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