Thursday, September 20, 2012

To Cleanse Or Not To Cleanse Acne Prone Skin

How does cleansing improve the skin

Cleansing gets rid of unwanted debris and environmental pollutants that may have lodged on the surface of the skin and in the pores, blocking the pores and preventing oils from escaping to the surface. When we clean our skin we allow for proper aeration and the prevention of clogged pores. Cleansing also removes excess dirt that may play a role in the buildup of bacteria that contribute to inflammation and acne breakouts. Hence cleansing improves the skin by creating a clean area that does not promote acne development.

Added benefits of cleansing

We cleanse the face so as to control acne. But additionally, cleansing also improves the look of the skin. If cleansing is done using a facial scrub, this results in a more youthful glowing appearance. Facial scrubs exfoliate the dead skin and make way for newer more radiant skin to be seen on the surface.  So in addition to fighting acne cleansing also polishes the skin improving its overall appearance.

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