Monday, December 26, 2011

Five Ways to Help Cure Acne Naturally

We all have those times in our lives: it's almost time for prom or a big date and guess what! Another pimple. Or maybe you already had a face full of bacteria bumps and it's time for another interview your first day to college. You are going to need a way to get rid of the zits, and fast!

Apricot juice is a good home cure for acne that is very effective in curing blackheads or pimples. All you have to do is apply apricot juice to your acne or pimples directly, and leave it on for at least 10-12 minutes a day. Do this routine as often as you like until you see the desired result on your skin.

The pattern of eating hygienic vegetables is extremely vital during the chronic conditions of acne. Fresh vegetables successfully diminish your acne and inflammation. The spanking new vegetables can be taken as carrot, avocado, garlic, cauliflower, beet, okra, corn, and cucumber, etc.

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