Friday, December 23, 2011

Better Cosmetic Choices

Essential is to trust our bodies

Many people, especially on the west, treat their bodies as something which is strange, something you have to fight against. What happened to us that we think that we have to fight against ourselves? It became normal to use aggressive products to fight against our normal body fluids, normal body processes. But, probably now you are asking yourself, what to do if I really have a problem that I need to treat? You are right, problems need to be treated. But, there is a huge difference between harsh products that destroy our natural protection and disrupt our natural processes and natural ways of treating the problem. Holistic health is in my opinion, best view on health. It looks at person taking in consideration all of her/his needs. That means that also looks at the causes, not only consequences of the problem.

Question your conventional cosmetics choices

When I was younger I had problem with acne. I have treated them with many aggressive preparations, with alcohol based products, creams which over dried my skin. The result was skin without shine and acne appeared again soon.

This is just little example of how conventional cosmetics can actually more harm us than help us. And it is perfect example how we, modern people, have lost contact with ourselves even in care area. We forgot to trust our bodies, listen to their true needs.

Natural cosmetics - better cosmetics choice

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