Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Best Acne Treatments And Remedies for Teenagers

The teenage years are a complicated time in every young person's life. School commitments, an active social life, hormonal change and a growing awareness of one's own looks and sexuality all clash during the course of an average day. And acne does not make things any easier. Pimple outbreaks on the skin are not appealing and they may leave unpleasant scars. Unfortunately, acne strikes hardest during the adolescent years, when hormones cause the skin to produce excess oil, which in turn clogs the hair follicles and leads to an outbreak of pimples. The good news is that there are several ways to treat acne. Here is an overview of the best acne treatments for teenagers.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is easily the most commonly used ingredient in over-the-counter acne remedies for teenagers. The chemical has strong anti-bacterial properties that make it an extremely effective cure. It not only treats pimple outbreaks, but also prevents them from developing again in the future. It does this by drying affected skin and allowing it to peel off. The fresh skin that takes it s place is clean and free of acne. Benzoyl peroxide is used in face washes, gels and creams. However, bear in mind that reports that roughly 3% people are allergic to this chemical.   

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