Friday, November 18, 2011

Naturally Curing Your Acne Condition

Before the introduction of antibacterial medications and cleansers in the market, a lot of people have already been using those natural acne cures to remove their pimples. Unfortunately, the rise of chemical drugs has dominated these natural remedies since the users are more favorable of them. Nevertheless, what they do not know is that these commercialized cleansers contain chemicals that can be harsh to the face and their costs are high as well. But believe it or not, many acne cures can already be found in your own kitchen.

There are a lot of natural acne cures; perhaps the only difficult thing to do is to find the type that can be suitable for your skin. This is where the trial and error method has to be done.

If you have blackheads, you can actually treat it with the use of simple milk blended with lime. You can easily do this by mildly boiling a glass of milk and add some lime. As the milk's temperature decreases, you can use it as a form of facial wash. Furthermore, you can store it in your refrigerator for future use.

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