Saturday, September 22, 2012

Can My Acne Be Cured Or Treated?

To cure means to be free of a particular ailment after being treated, while to treat means to be free of a particular affection only while on treatment, hence if you stop treatment symptoms of the condition would return. So to answer the question of whether acne can be treated or cured, the answer could be that it can be both treated and cured depending on a number of situations. One being the cause or the reason the problem exists. If for example the reason you have acne is because of an underlying condition or as a result of an allergic reaction to some medication you are taking then it would be quite possible to completely cure the condition when the underlying condition has been resolved or you have stop taking the medication that caused the allergic reaction. In other instances persons may be able to completely get rid of their acne after following a proper treatment regimen of cleansing toning and moisturizing. But more frequently the common acne is completely cured after the individual may have ceased to be exposed to triggering agents. Some triggers are hormonal, related to puberty or the level of stress the body may be under at some particular point. In these cases after the triggers have been removed the acne problem is completely resolved.

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