Monday, January 2, 2012

Acne Scars - All About Prevention and Treatment

Acne is generally caused by hormonal changes which are considered to be a normal part of puberty. It is a common occurrence that you see as lesions or pimples on the face, neck, shoulders and chest area. Though it is not a life-threatening condition, you will be surprised to know how much of psychological struggle and despondency it can cause in the lives of teenagers and even adults. It is better be clued-up on the topic so that you can avoid adverse consequences and even help others who are searching for a solution.

Acne begins when hair follicles on the skin are plugged with sebum and dead skin cells.  You may be familiar with whiteheads and blackheads, which are a form of mild and non-inflammatory acne.  But, if bacteria begin to grow in the plugged follicle, it becomes inflammatory. Papules and pustules are moderately severe, while nodules and cysts are severe and painful lumps. It is best to seek early treatment for acne removal because the chances of scarring increase as the inflammation progresses. The objective of any treatment method is to prevent scarring, which can be a dreaded aftermath for many people. For most people, acne is temporary, but sadly, scars are not always temporary. How are acne scars formed? They are caused by too much of collagen in one area as the damage inflicted by acne heals by itself. Some people are more prone to scars than others, and severe breakouts are likely to cause serious scars. 

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