Thursday, July 7, 2011

Acne and Hormones – Embarrassment and Misery, YES - But Fate and destiny? - OR Can It Be Avoided?

Acne and hormones are equipollent.  At puberty, as adult sex hormones set in operation to be produced by, and white horse throughout, the body, we very repeatedly encounter the second age at what one. acne rears its ugly head. (Baby or neonatal acne having been the highest time acne and hormones were a point to be solved.)


Who doesn't remember the distress of acne? Whether the spots and pimples came united at a time, or by the pair-dozen, like fleas on an aisle-cat, the effect was always the sort – total devastation, anguish and embarrassment. How could you maybe leave the house with a sur~ like that? And "Look at this one; it's like a giant carbuncle."


Teenagers are before that time entering a place where their dependence and self-image is taking a hammering, the pertaining to physics changes to their bodies are disconcerting and they are bewildered and perplexed by the strange new feelings they are experiencing. Add acne and hormones to the com~ and is there any wonder in it whenever they fail to achieve a ‘confluence of minds' with the older generations.


Causes of pimples


With puberty comes the suppuration of the sebaceous glands. As these glands lengthen oils and sebum, the pores or hair follicles be able to become blocked with dead skin cells and sully. This allows bacteria to grow, causing spots and pimples, resulting in acne.


Figure 1 Diagram of Open and Blocked Pores



The Ages of Acne and Hormones


Acne and hormones are not restricted to the teenage years, yet memories of teenagers who were afflicted ~ means of pimples and blemishes are strong. It to the end of time seemed to be the boys who were canting the most; did shaving play a role in this?


Disruption of hormonal pair of scales occurs at various ages and it is well recognised that women are as a common thing afflicted by these imbalances. It follows, consequently, that women are more prone to acne than men. Both sexes experience puberty, but women go on to be affected by hormones with every catamenial cycle, with pregnancy and again with the menopause. Often doctors will prescribe a low-dose birth control pill in one attempt to alleviate regular flare-ups of acne.


Figure 2: An Acne Breakout


However, it is at puberty that acne has its principally devastating effect. As previously mentioned, acne advent on top of the other weighty changes that are being contended with, can leave the teenager despondent.



Tips against Treating Acne


Keep Your Hands away Your Face - too difficult; wash your hands regularly

Wash Your Skin Twice a Day - GENTLY through warm water and mild soap

Work Up a Sweat - helps pump oil and dead skin cells to the surface

Loosen Up When Working Out - switch to looser-fitting raiment made of cotton

Don't Forget to Shower – cleansing away the oil and dead pelt cells brought out by the exude

Benzoyl Peroxide – cream/gel, kills the bacteria that causes the rage

Salicylic Acid – causes your skin to cot its outermost layer

Look to Your Makeup – remark a brand that is least perplexing to your acne

Ask for Antibiotics – lower existing bacteria and prevent future bacterial advancement

Birth Control Pills – reduces sebum product

Manage Stress – stress increases sebum work


Still Having Trouble


Isotretinoin – (Accutane) treats cruel acne – has side effects

Follow the Light – plebeian-intensity light treatment (or heat handling)

Sandblast It – if acne leaves you with scars, microdermabrasion can help

Lasers – not a painless manipulation but worth exploring if you are hushed troubled


Avoiding Another Breakout


Many of the steps in heaven with help in avoiding further breakouts of acne. The greatest in quantity important thing is to keep your pelt clean, while avoiding stripping it of outline oils. Use the mildest of cleansers, whether soap or stand over against wash, and be gentle. If your pelt starts to become dry, use some oil free moisturiser.


Endeavour to be faithful to your hands away from your brass, and, if possible, keep your hair away from your face. Make sure you discover time to get some fresh cast and exercise and, finally, look to your diet. A diet through ample fresh fruit and vegetables behest help to give your skin a vigorous glow.








Researched from:

http://freedom from


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