Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Keloid Scars Treatment – No More Scare Of Scars

With the world becoming more and more fashion conscious day by day, every single person wishes to look good. The last thing on the earth which anyone of us can imagine is having scars over the face. Scars make you look ugly and this is something which must be accepted.

Scars Keloid in general is just like the hypertrophic scars. They are unique in the sense that they can grow and expand simultaneously. Keloid scars, basically, are those types of scars that can expand beyond the original wound area. Caused by the increased deposition of collagen, these scars have dangerous aesthetic impact as the people who are affected by these often end up with extremely large, cyst like growth on their body. Another major problem associated with Keloid scars is that they can grow on multiple locations of the body at the same time.

Keloid can happen as a result of any disturbance to the skin counting even a slight abrasion. A plain cut can also twirl into a very big as well as discolored wound that looks ugly. Popularly confined to the ethnic groups like African, Polynesian and South Pacific Origin groups, these scars have become a major skin related threat in the past few years.

One of the most common reasons behind the growth of Keloid is a puncture wound that results out of activities like body piercing and tattooing. However there are many options of Keloid scar treatment. Out of all these possible methods of treatment, surgery is considered to be the most effective method although surgical treatment is always a costly way. Other disadvantage of surgery is that it does not cover the further risk of further eruption of the scar.
Injection therapy is another popular method which is used to reduce the threat of appearance of Keloid scars. In this therapy, multiple injections are given to the patient on a weekly basis. This method, although has shown positive results in some cases, has certain drawbacks associated with it such as the potential of development of multiple side-effects. Another negative aspect of this treatment is its high costs.

One of the most suitable and efficient option of Keloid scar treatment, Silicone Keloid Scar Treatment is a revolutionary move in the field of scar treatment which as considered by the skin care professionals is the best of all kinds of treatments. It effectively reduces the color, size and pain that is associated with Keloid scars.

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