Saturday, September 24, 2011

All About Acne Its Causes And Treatment

The ut~ emerging problem in men and women is acne. Acne is a complaint that causes pimple that can allowance remarks through out your life. The greatest part affected area of the skina are shoulders, appearance, back and neck. It is ailment that is very common in teenagers and young adults. When hair follicles ~ the load of skin clog up it causes pimples.

Acne is not a great problem but the main disadvantage of this sickness is that it cause scares. It is a disesae that can attack any people of any maturity. It does not have any distinctive reason behind it. But few things perform on a very important role in causing acne like acne occurs during the teenage years and pregnancy. Regaring acne sundry people have many myth like some peiple think that chocolates and fatty food are responsible for causing acne end its not true to say that. Another tradition that are in the mind of persons for causing acne problem is that scurvy skin is also resopnsible but blackheads and pimples are not caused ~ means of dirt, even stess is also not liable for causing acne.

Few things should have ~ing kept in mind if a part is suffering from acne as it be able to cause scares on the skin. Things privation to be take care are:-
1) You should pure your skin gently with water.
2) Avoid not to injure your skin.
3) Use sun protection lotion and avoid exposure to ~ny place.

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