Thursday, August 4, 2011

Can Smoking Cause Acne?

The effects of smoking in increasing your put to hazard of lung cancer is well known. Less well known is the fact that smoking can have on origin or contribute to acne. If you consider about it, it is not also surprising considering the effects that smoking has up~ the body overall health and well being. Smoking causes multiform premature ageing and permanent damage to the derm and thought to affect women greater degree of so than men. In fact the fraternity has led to the term "smokers acne".

Are you at hazard from smokers acne?

Studies have establish that women between the ages of 25 and 50 are greatest part at risk of developing smokers acne. Of those that suffered from acne for the time of their teenage years were four spells likely to suffer from acne in later life. The acne greatest in quantity common amongst smokers is called non-inflaming acne (NIA) which is predominately blackheads and whiteheads.

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